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Meet Dr. Corina Atanase, DMD, D-ABDSM

Learn more about her 25 years of experience in private dental practice and ongoing commitment to the dental industry.

Dr. Corina Atanase

Dr. Atanase received her degree in dentistry from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, having earned her undergraduate degree at Penn as well. Subsequently, she completed a two-year general dentistry residency at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. Since then, she has spent more than 25 years in private practice.

Dr. Atanase is committed to improving the quality of her patient’s treatments. She uses state-of-the-art technology and continues to attend seminars on various topics that improve the general and dental health of her patients. Aside from aesthetic dentistry and functional dentistry advances, she has also obtained further training in the treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) and Sleep Apnea with oral appliances.

During her free time, she enjoys hiking, biking, yoga, reading, and spending time with her family.

She volunteers some of her free time with the Junior League of Summit and Chatham Twig where she has had the great satisfaction of participating in some terrific projects to help the communities of Chatham, Summit, New Providence, and Berkeley Heights.

Dr. Atanase is an attending dentist at the General Practice Residency of Morristown Medical Center. She loves to volunteer her time there and impart her knowledge to help guide dental residents as they are starting their careers.

She is also a member of the ADA (American Dental Association), AGD (Academy of General Dentistry, AADSM (American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine), and AACP (American Academy of Craniofacial Pain).

New American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine Diplomate, Dr. Corina Atanase Read more here.