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Clear Aligner Orthodontics in Chatham, NJ.

Improve your smile in less time without the look of metal and wires.

Advanced Dentistry, LLC offers orthodontic treatments that help adults improve their smiles in a shorter time and more discreet way.

Dr. Atanase may recommend one of a number of advanced cosmetic orthodontics now available. Read below for more information on the clear aligners offered at Advanced Dentistry, LLC.

Discreet Orthodontics: Nuvola & Candid

Instead of the wires and brackets used in conventional orthodontics to straighten teeth, clear aligners such as Nuvola and Candid feature a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners.

Each aligner in the series moves your teeth a little at a time with the last aligner gently nudging your teeth into a perfect smile.

Dr. Corina Atanase will evaluate your teeth and discuss your goals for your smile. Depending on your goals and needs, you and Dr. Atanase may determine which clear aligners are right for you. We will then take the photos, impressions, and x-rays of your teeth required to create your custom aligners.

In addition to helping you achieve your ideal smile, clear aligners can correct dental issues caused by crooked teeth. Poorly aligned teeth can interfere with your bite, are more prone to cavities, and they can even wear out quicker than straight teeth.

To learn more about your options, contact us, or schedule an appointment online.