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Personal Dental Plan

At Advanced Dentistry, LLC our commitment is to provide quality care to our patients regardless of their ability to obtain dental insurance.

That’s why our team offers a membership plan. We’ll answer all of your questions to get you started with one of the many options available – just give us call today so it can start saving money on routine checkups for yourself or loved ones in need.

Why Sign Up for Our In-House Membership Plan?

  • We Have a Plan for Everyone
  • Get the Care You Need
  • Save Money & Smile
  • Say Goodbye to the Hassle of Insurance

Maintain Dental Health at a Manageable Cost

How Much Does it Cost?

    • $625 / individual
    • $1135 / individual & spouse
    • $475 / child (under 18)
    • $1950 / family (2 adult, 2 children)

What Does it Include?

    • 2 professional dental cleanings a year
    • 2 oral exams per year
    • Oral cancer screening
    • All x-rays as needed for diagnostic purposes
    • Fluoride treatments
    • 15% courtesy on all other dental procedures performed at our office

The Benefits Of Our Plan Include:

  • No yearly maximums imposed by insurance companies
  • No insurance deductibles
  • No claim forms to fill out
  • No activation fee
  • No insurance pre-authorizations required meaning insurance cannot deny necessary procedures

Have any questions? Contact us or fill your appointment request here.