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Meet the Fabulous Team at Advanced Dentistry, LLC!

Meet the team

Dr. Atanase is fortunate to have a caring team to assist in supporting all of the Advanced Dentistry, LLC patients!

Diane – Office Coordinator

Diane is always ready to greet you with a smile! As our office manager, she is happy to assist you in all ways to ensure your time at our office is a positive experience. Her expertise as a coordinator of operations in multiple fields comes through as she helps with scheduling your appointments, attending to your financial concerns, and making sure you have something to smile about. In her free time, Diane spends time with her family and enjoys watching college football, experimenting with new recipes, and reading


Gina has been in the dental field for over 30 years. Coming to us with tons of experience and always eager to learn new advances in the dental field, she makes everyone smile and at ease. Outside of dentistry, Gina loves to spend time with her family and friends. She loves to travel and usually, you will find her lounging at the shore every chance she gets!

Alyssa, RDH

Alyssa joins our dental family as a very experienced, gentle hygienist who really enjoys helping her patients feel comfortable, educating them on all new developments in dentistry, and improving their overall health!

Before becoming a hygienist, Alyssa was a professional dancer. She was in multiple theatrical and musical performances. She loves to golf, spend time with her family, and enjoy the beach during the warm months. She looks forward to meeting you!