Attention Parents: Follow These Teeth Tips
Parents can do a few different things to give their kids’ smiles a healthy start.
Parents can do a few different things to give their kids’ smiles a healthy start.
There are so many choices of toothpaste in our grocery stores.
A pacifier or thumb/finger-sucking habit that lasts beyond the toddler years can have a negative impact on a child’s teeth and jaws.
It’s not actually true that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.
A couple of the biggest rites of passage in childhood are the first baby teeth coming in and the first adult teeth coming in.
“Swimmer’s calculus” sounds more like advanced mathematics than anything to do with teeth.
Parents can do a lot to help their child come into the dentist’s office feeling relaxed and positive.
There won’t be a pop-quiz later, but we still want our patients to be familiar with the anatomy of their teeth.
Some of us remember the soreness and discomfort of our incoming adult molars, not to mention how hard it was to chew.